📄️ List all users
Lists all the users from all the organizations in a Frontier instance. It can be filtered by keyword, organization, group and state.
📄️ List public users
Returns the users from all the organizations in a Frontier instance. It can be filtered by keyword, organization, group and state. Additionally you can include page number and page size for pagination.
📄️ Create user
Create a user with the given details. A user is not attached to an organization or a group by default,and can be invited to the org/group. The name of the user must be unique within the entire Frontier instance. If a user name is not provided, Frontier automatically generates a name from the user email. The user metadata is validated against the user metaschema. By default the user metaschema contains `labels` and `descriptions` for the user. The `title` field can be optionally added for a user-friendly name. <br/><br/>*Example:*`{'email':'john.doe@raystack.org','title':'John Doe',metadata:{'label': {'key1': 'value1'}, 'description': 'User Description'}}`
📄️ Get user
Get a user by id searched over all organizations in Frontier.
📄️ Delete user
Delete an user permanently forever and all of its relations (organizations, groups, etc)
📄️ Update user
Update user
📄️ Disable user
Sets the state of the user as diabled.The user's membership to groups and organizations will still exist along with all it's roles for access control, but the user will not be able to log in and access the Frontier instance.
📄️ Enable user
Sets the state of the user as enabled. The user will be able to log in and access the Frontier instance.
📄️ List user groups
Lists all the groups a user belongs to across all organization in Frontier. To get the groups of a user in a specific organization, use the org_id filter in the query parameter.
📄️ List user invitations
List all the invitations sent to a user.
📄️ Get user organizations
This API returns two list of organizations for the user. i) The list of orgs which the current user is already a part of ii) The list of organizations the user can join directly (based on domain whitelisted and verified by the org). This list will also contain orgs of which user is already a part of. Note: the domain needs to be verified by the org before the it is returned as one of the joinable orgs by domain
📄️ Get user projects
Get all the projects a user belongs to.
📄️ Get current user
Get current user
📄️ Update current user
Update current user
📄️ List my groups
List my groups
📄️ Get my organizations
This API returns two list of organizations for the current logged in user. i) The list of orgs which the current user is already a part of ii) The list of organizations the user can join directly (based on domain whitelisted and verified by the org). This list will also contain orgs of which user is already a part of. Note: the domain needs to be verified by the org before the it is returned as one of the joinable orgs by domain
📄️ Get my projects
Get all projects the current user belongs to